Quicklets: Your Reading Sidekick!
Davanna Cimino has a life-long love of literature. She is a copy editor and copywriter, writes fiction and poetry, and has a law degree. She lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida. She has three sons, and a Brittany named Jubal.
Steig Larsson gave Lasse Winkler, editor in chief of the Swedish book trade magazine Svensk Bokhandel, one of the last if not the last interviews of his life. Winkler remembered Larsson in this article in The Telegraph. The interview was conducted before the Millennium trilogy went global. In the interview, Larsson anticipated what the success of his fiction-writing would mean to him personally and professionally, and discussed the genesis of the series, including The Girl Who Played With Fire (TGWPWF). Larsson told Winkler that the seed of the character of Lisbeth Salander was Pippi Longstocking. From the website Pippi's World.com: She can do very bizarre things on account of her strength, such as lifting her horse from one place to another and throwing people across a room! In one place it is said that Pippi Longstocking has the strength of ten full-grown men. Larsson asked himself What would she be like today? What would she be like as an adult? What would you call a person like that? A sociopath? Hyperactive? Wrong. She simply sees society in a different light. Ill make her 25 years-old, and an outcast. She has no friends and is deficient in social skills. That was my original thought. Larsson told Winkler that he also used another character of Pippi Longstockings creator, Astrid Lindgrenthe boy detective, Kalle Blomkvistas the inspiration for Mikael Blomkvist. Only now hes 45 years-old... . An altruistic know-it-all... ., according to Larsson. Larsson explained to Winkler that he learned the mechanics of crime fiction from the books he reviewed when he worked at Swedish TT news agency. Larsson cites the authors whose work he critiquedSara Paretsky, Val McDermid, Elizabeth George and Minette Walters as influences. Buy a copy to keep reading!
Quicklet on Stieg Larsson's The Girl Who Played with Fire+ The genesis of the Millennium trilogy+ About the Author:The Man Who Left Too soon+ Overall Summary: The Girl Who Thought No One Loved Her+ The Girl Who Played with Fire, chapter summary+ ...and much more