Vera Lawson accepts an offer of employment with the aristocratic Wellmont family in London as a tutor. But she has an ulterior motive. Could her mother the scatterbrained Caroline Montieff have fled to Paris in search of her lost freedom?
Gunther Polt, a Waffen SS Tank Commander, aristocratic, arrogant and wealthy with vast estates in Germany finds himself in an impossible position.
Vera knows the family are hiding the connection between her mother Caroline and Polt, but needs to prove it. It is not until 1944 and she enlists with the British Nursing Corp does she discover her mother’s innermost secrets.
For instance, what if you raised the lid of a piano stool in a bombed out house, and discovered a photograph of your mother with a German soldier… in NORMANDY?
It is only when disaster strikes killing the entire Welmont household, and skeletal remains are uncovered in the Chateau’s crypt along with two stolen canvases, will Interpol disclose Caroline Lawson’s dark history?